Now watching: The Daily Show
And yes, it is a re-run and it is STILL funny.
Happy belated 4th of July. I am pleased to report that I managed to get out of town for FOUR WHOLE DAYS and was out of cell phone range for pretty much the whole time.
Didn't watch TV.
Went up to Decorah, IA. Doesn't sound like much. Let me say, it is an amazing part of the state. Really beautiful. We rented a cabin like 15 miles outside of town. Well done Nate. He found the place. Slept like 10 people. Really cool cabin, lots of room, fire pit and the smelly-iest water I have ever showered in for like 4 days.
We went biking -- 20 miles, very pretty. Caught a Greg Brown concert that night in this amazing farm that saves and protects all types of seeds. We had a great night until Martine's sister Claire did the hail dance. She frolic'd and brought the rain and hail. It was short. So the concert was cool... and wet.
Canoeing all day down the Upper Iowa River. Had a blast. Martine and I made our canoe run on GRRRLL power. We did mange to flip the canoe. In all fairness, we were racing. We won. And then turned over.
We also managed to get some hiking in as well. And played the WORST boardgame ever. I mean ever.
So suffice it to say, we managed to make it through the weekend without being hacked to pieces by an axe murderer from the summer camp down the street. I think it was because there was not any promiscious teen-age sex going on. Or any virgins. Take your pick.
Did I mention that the only thing that I drank for 4 days was water, coffee, beer and wine.
That and SPF 30 -- SPORT was my new best friend.
Made it home in time on Wednesday to accidentally stumble onto a fireworks display.... in a Wal-Mart parking lot. I ask you, what could be more American than that? Well... how about the white trash 96' Pontiac -- whatever model it was -- parked next to us, wife beater in full effect telling Nate to "Turn that music off, I am only telling you once" --
We were listening to the 1812 Overture.
Yes. Highly offensive.
Especially when it comes to fireworks.
Perhaps we should have had the Skynard cranked. That would have made him happy. And to top it off, the fireworks display really felt like it had come from... Wal-Mart.
Here's to the land of the free and home of the wife beater!!!
So came back home and went from there. Nothing doing on the ground. Usual shit. Work, work and more work. The guy front is a little weird. I had to have a little one sided conversation with the Love Guru. Reminded him that when I said, I didn't want to date people with kids.... I sorta meant it. So we are waiting on the next one. I am sure this is part of the process. Or maybe I am just destined to be with a 40 year old divorecee with a kid.
The fates must have it out for me.
And in the biggest news of the week .....
Our good friends and dear members of the Urban Family, Jess and Adam got engaged yesterday.
So nothing but the utmost congrats to those kids. They deserve all the best. We are celebrating the news tomorrow over at Nate and Martines.
So that should bring us up to date in Meghan's bi-monthly posting. I must get better.
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