Congrats to Kim and Jason. Wedding this weekend was wonderful. Had a great time and everything was beautiful.
Pictures will be forthcoming at some point.
Been busy at work and that seems to be about it.
Mom seems to be doing well. She gets her staples out on Thursday and if she is doing well they are going to start the chemo back up.
Seems kinda backwards -- you are feeling better so we will start pumping you full of poison.
Medical logic is one I will never get.
Online world is chugging forward like it should.
Had a few interesting hits over the last few days.
One is from PerfectMatch -- which for the record has been less than Perfect in its matching.
Not a lot of activity.
But I did get an email from a guy in Japan.
Yes -- Japan. Small island nation on the Pacific ocean. HALF WAY AROUND THE WORLD.
Now, I have no issue with long distance relationships. It can create some unique issues -- especially starting a relationship that way. But I am not totally opposed to it.
That is until I got an email from a guy in Japan. I mean, if I was to call him... it would be tomorrow. Always. Tomorrow.
The logistics are really pushing the outer limits of what I am willing to try.
and there is this little tidbit.
HE IS 60!!!!!!!!!!
For the record, that is older than my dad.
Did I mention he was 60?
Yeah -- 2x my age.
Like was he looking through every woman on the site, or just decided a nice midwestern girl is what he wanted??
Suffice it to say, I don't see this one going anywhere.
I still have a profile up on and got this winner over the weekend...

Ok - so this is him.
He is 42.
This is my favorite quote from his profile:
my education
My four degrees provide some interesting stories. However, the more
relevant question is "Are you comfortable with an unapologetic genius?"
So good to see that a healthy does of humility is at play here.
Now given that he has 4 degrees and is looking for:
Mensa membership is not required but a high EQ is desiredOne would think that literacy would be a good skill of his.
Clearly not -- as he has FOUR children. Four.
One less than 5.
One more than 3.
Thanks Patrick from CA. I think, even with the temptation of your unapologetic genuis and IQ standards... I am going to have to pass on this one.
So that should bring us up to speed. 60 year old Japanese men and Mensa candidates who can't read.
My life is complete.
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