Monday, April 17, 2006

We Are Not In Kansas Anymore

Now Watching: Wallace & Gromit

So here I sit in good ole' Lansing ....
Well, it doesn't get much better than this.
Actually it does.

Mom is still in the hospital. Can't seem to keep her fever in check.
Went to go see her this afternoon and she was all loopy from the drugs that they have her on.
Kinda funny.

Working out of the Kansas City office this week. I have discovered the following:

  • I really hate commuting
  • There are no decent coffee shops between my parents house and the KC offices.
  • Working in downtown Des Moines has spoiled me. I hate the fact that from our KC office, you have to drive 10 minutes to even get a sandwich.

Not much to add today... kinda tired.
I did get an email from the Executive Iowa folks -- if I sign up now, I get an extra 3 months for my $1000 --- THREE WHOLE MONTHS.
So 9 months are all mine, should I choose to spend the money.
And the PerfectMatch people (think John Cusak) want me to get their service for a special 3 month deal -- MUST ACT NOW.
I feel like my dating has become a infomercial.
At least in 90 day increments.

Ok, More later.
I must go. The Daily Show is starting soon.

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