--yes, George Michael. Go ahead, make fun. The man is an under-appreciated musical GENIUS
Happy Birthday Courtney!!!
And happy Pi day to you all -- get it, 3.14 ?!?!?
This is what too much NPR gets you. That is one of the only stations that come in on my half broken stereo.
So it has been a few days since I have updated. Lots to talk about today. I will start with the delay in posting. Seems I am getting old. I had a tendinitis flare up in my wrist.
Not sure how. Not sure what I did. Not sure where it came from.
But typing for the last few days has SUCKED.
So, I got a new ergonomic keyboard.
Now I am learning to type all over again.
Which is my way of saying, typos are a given in this post.
So what is new in my small little corner of the world, you ask?
Aside from my renewed --and some would offer misplaced -- obsession with George Michael -- usual stuff.
Medical drama
Online dating humor
Work and life
-- I am pleased to report that there are no 3AM stories in this post.
Or for that matter, any criminal behaviors.
So lets tackle them in order shall we?
Medical --
Mom is ok. Docs can't quite figure out why they cannot stop the spread of cells to various parts of her skeleton. It has only moved to one small spot on her liver (which is viewed as good news -- I will NEVER understand the medical profession) but, they continue to find new activity all over her bones.
So -- she is going to start chemo back up. Not the chemo she has been taking, that was mild
no nausea, hair loss -- any of the usual stuff.
Nope -- they are going to start filling her up with the hardcore stuff again. Not sure when and for how long, but that is that.
Grandma is not doing great. Back in the hospital. Getting the "if you want to see her, you should get up here pronto" vibe from family that is there.
Which is always a good thing to hear.
So we are all going up as planned next weekend.
Who knows what will happen between now and then.
But get this -- my mom and my aunt have started writing her obituary. And...this is the best part ... can't agree on what they want.
I mean the woman is still breathing!!!
I told my sister that we can never be those people.
On to lighter topics.
Match.com vs. eHarmony: The Smackdown
So, my match subscription ran out this week. Which presented me with a dilemma. Do I renew for another month of sub-standard, illiterate, thrice divorced, 42 year old fathers of 8 or do I move on to greener pastures??
Age old dilemma I know.
So I was looking at some of the other options available to me. eHarmony is a good one.
Let me explain the differences....
Match.com is when you get in your car and drive around looking for somewhere to eat and finally stop when you see one that looks good.
eHarmony is when someone knocks on your door and says "You are having Thai food tonight, here you go... "
So this would eliminate the enjoyable "man-shopping" aspect of the whole process. But something new to explore. So I am debating. Of course, since eHarmony is brought to your door it does have a slightly higher price tag -- feel free to weigh in and let me know what you think.
But as a parting match.com gift for all of you -- I give you the newest addition to the Meghan collection.
**Slight side note: I am a geek. There is no question about it. But my geekdom is something I have come to embrace. So, I own the Star Wars trilogy (the original) --- I saw all the Lord Of the Rings movies. BUT -- and that is a capital but, I draw the line at a lot of things. ***
So without further ado, I give you the first man who actually could construct a sentence, has no children and actually fits the age range I am looking for....

Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.
The man is wearing a CAPE, and RUFFLED sleeves.
And this is the ONLY picture he has posted.
I mean, if you are into the cape and the ruffled sleeves, that is all well and good. But -- give me something else to work with.
And there it is. We have met the illiterate (at several levels), the cowboy and now... The Wizard.
Don't ever tell me that I am not entertaining.
I feel like there should be more for you today, but not entirely sure how I follow a cape.
Plus -- it has been a LONG day here at the rock.
I see a cocktail in my future.
Maybe more than one.
Gotta run, that cabana boy has gone missing again --- right when I am ready for a drink.
When will that boy ever learn?
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