Monday, February 13, 2006

Hallmark Wins

Currently Listening to: Rilo Kiley

Ok - so I know that it has been a LONG time since I have posted anything.
Life kinda got in the way. Holidays, work, work, and work -- that is about it.
Lets see here.
Holidays: Good. Nothing too exciting to report. Chilled with the family for a few days. Saw some friends, hung out in DSM as well. Rang in the New Year with a great group of friends at a local restaurant.
So - 06' kicked off well enough.

Work has been pretty crazy. We are re-doing our offices, so until about 4 days ago, I was a migrant worker. Worked from home for about a week or so. Staked claim on empty offices/cubes when I was in the office.
I must say, I don't think the working from home thing is for me. I mean, it was a nice enough break from the day-to-day stuff. But I got too easily distracted and I missed the interaction of people.
It is one thing to talk to your cats -- it is another to have a day-long ongoing conversation. But our area at work has been completed, so I have a home again. Thanks goodness.

Took the annual pilgrimage to California again. Spent a few days in San Francisco and then a few in Sonoma. Had a GREAT time as was to be expected. Bought some wine -- shocker.
Here are a few of the new favorites:
  • Hop Kiln
  • Coturri
  • SL Cellars
  • Bella

You should check them out. Good stuff all around. Runs the spectrum in terms of price as well.
So got home and a few days later got a call that my mom was having emergency surgery. On her spine. Because the cancer had destroyed like 75% of one of her vertebrae in her neck.
So spent 4 days at home -- hospital and house. Cleaning and waiting.
Surgery went well. Doctors said she took it with flying colors.
She has to wear a "C Collar" which is a neck brace for the next 2 months. All the time. Sleeping, shower -- whole gig.
She also has a spot of similar degeneration on her lower back that is going to require her to wear a body brace when she is NOT in bed. The thought is that the body will fix itself rather than require more surgery. Which, according to the doctor is longer, more complicated, more painful -- longer recovery -- blah, blah blah.
So bottom line, she is braced up for the next 2 months. She can walk, etc -- but cannot do anything too strenuous. Like vacuuming, laundry, and so on.
You get the picture, clearly this is not going to go well. Susan does not do sitting around.
Although, she is on a chemo treatment for some spots that they found on her liver as well. So maybe that will keep her slightly less active.
So long story short -- too late -- I will be spending every other weekend at home helping get the house into some sort of order.

I did discover a few things. People shed all inhibitions in a hospital waiting room. I mean, just willing to tell you anything that you want to know. Forget group therapy -- just go hang out in the surgical waiting room. Eye opening.
Its amazing to me how so many health care people -- who in theory should be the paragons of healthy eating, lifestyle -- are a little overweight and eat like crap. Just hang out in a hospital cafeteria. Good times.

So, I think that about brings us up to date on Meghan's world. I think I am going to start back onto the whole blogging thing. Especially with my Mom. Lord knows I need some sort of outlet for all this crap.
I am still working out 4-6 times a week. Although, I don't feel like I LOOK like I am working out that much.
Must be all the wine.

Been looking at buying a house. It is something that I need to do, but something that still freaks me out a little.
Although, with all this crap with the mom-unit, I am thinking about putting that on hold for a little bit. We shall see.

Ok - I am out. Still at work and should try and get something done before I bust out of here.

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