Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Taking the plunge

Well, i have done it.
either this marks the end of civilization as i know it or some sort of ephiany.
Not sure which.

i have signed on to an online dating service.

oh- and i know it has been a while since i have posted. been busy doing nothing, but something.

eharmony.com. i was a little worried at first since it struck me a as a really conservative site, but after going through the questions, i changed my mind. i guess time will tell. i only signed up for a month, so we shall see. i just got tired of being the only single person around. being, 3rd, 5th, 7th wheel is really not so much fun. and it really has come to that. everyone i know is in a realtionship.

the irony is as i am doing this, i have come to the conclusion that married men are kinda slime buckets.
i say this due to the fact that i have watched firsthand as a number of married men just don't care about the fact that they are supposed to be loyal. maybe i am some sort of relic, but cheating to me is one of the biggest insults that a realtionship can garner.
i have heard the, "we have an open relationship" line tossed around. seems a little too easy to me.

possibly, i am overreacting. but i don't think so.

what else, my boss is leaving the company. as this is a MAJOR deal, i have begun searching for new jobs. the one cool potential... he has a history of taking people with him when he moves to new companies. he has interviews in Atlanta, dallas and outside of San francisco. i would go to any of those places. of course, it would be a few months before anything would come of it, but hey...
might be the kick i need to get out of DSM.

i am also going to start a new diet this week. i have to do something. i really don't like my body right now.
i will see how this goes. Thursday is go day.

aside from that, it is a rainy, dark overcast day here and my motivation is a little lacking.
ok -- a lot lacking. i am curious to see who i get matched up with so i keep checking the website.
um, hello freak....

ok, out.

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