Thursday, May 27, 2004

Deja Vu

Well, crazy of craziness.
I have accepted a position at my old offices. all new job, new boss, in fact none of the upper management team from when i was there is still around.
looking forward to it.
NO MORE CUSTOMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amen to that. Huge, deal. HUGE, BIG, HUGE.

$$ is good. Will be able to wear jeans to work... whenever i want. Still downtown, so no change on the commute. all in all good stuff.
now of course, i just have to give my notice here.
i hate that. I really,really hate it.
but it has to be done. will take care of it on tuesday. i have not signed anything yet for LightEdge (new name even...weird). and we have a long weekend coming up.. so tuesday it is.
i am excitited.

plus, had some contact from one of the guys from the online gig. seems pretty cool.
we shall see where it all goes.

so, i am already begining to suffer from short timers disease.
plus, it is right before a long weekend, so no one ever wants to work.
i am thinking about taking off at about 3:30 and working from home.

plus, I have a massage tonight.
i can't wait.
my massuese rocks.
a lot. she turns me into a pile of goo and i love it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

party of one

i am officially in a funk.
not particularly sure as to why. on the surface things are going well. had another round of interviews back at my old stomping grounds. that was interesting. things look promising there. although giving my notice here will basically suck.
but, hey. its work, nothing personal. i do want to chat with Mr. C should something come down the pipe this week.

also, not really excitied about the eharmony prospects. i don't know what i was expecting, but i am not really "clicking" with any one person. although, there is the one guy in spokane that seems pretty cool. although, i could see him having a more type-a side to him. he is a volleyball coach... cool. but still not sure. i threw him a little meghan sarcasm in my last round of questions. we shall see how he responds.
but, i was hoping maybe something would come of the local guys, and so far nothing.
i guess patience has never been one of my stronger suites, so there you go.
i just don't want to waste my time or their time. i have gotten a lot better about closing people out upfront. kinda harsh, but not really.
They have done it to me, and i am not losing sleep over it.
who knows. like i said, kinda in a funk. could be the constant deluge of rain that we have been so fortunate to get. We have had more extreme weather in the last 4 days, than i can remember in a long time.

Monday, May 24, 2004

either pigs were flying and i missed it, or hell has in fact, frozen over

Nate's engaged.

Just typing that is REALLY weird.
i mean this was the guy that swore off kids, marriage the whole nine yards.
And just last week... LAST WEEK. was telling me he was looking for rings.
so, somewhere between looking last week, we have moved on to buying and proposing.

holy crap.

don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT guy. i love him dearly. it just seems a little odd.
ok. a lot odd.

what else?
the eharmony thing is moving along. no clear leaders yet... still weeding all of them out.
but i get the feeling my friends are not taking this seriously.
1. they want me to buy a tazer (sp?) and carry it with me and
2. they all just want to know when the first date is.

ok - a tazer? gimmie a freakin' break. just because i meet guys this way does not make them looney. i will know more about these guys before i go out with them than 99% of people who meet at a bar and end up having sex....

This is more than just going out on a date. i don't think they get it. this was/is a HUGE step for me, and i get the feeling that they don't view it this way.

kinda sucks when you are putting yourself out there and not getting all the support you think you should.

and did i mention that olson got engaged??
holy shit.
i mean, really.
we are having drinks tonight and he is going to give me the low down.

oh - and the fast started yesterday. i think it will be more of a liquid diet with one meal a day... at least for the first few days. Taking a little getting used to. either that, or i have less self control than i thought.

Friday, May 21, 2004

friday, Friday, FRIDAY

Newsflash: It's friday.

Weekend here i come. Actually looking forward to having a whole weekend with no obligations, social events or anything. Just gonna chill at the homestead, get some stuff done around the house and go from there.
good times.

well, we are off to the eHarmony races as it were. the first day was kinda scary... no matches! i mean, i know i have had a tough time meeting people in DSM, but NO ONE in the whole world????
fear not little campers, those whirring big black computer boxes started finding me men-folk to communicate with.
all of the first ones were at least a state or two away. which is not a bad thing. had to close one out already... he just seemed a little TOO serious for me. round two brought me several men,closer in age and in the metro area. so, they have piqued my interest a little. i guess we shall see how this all plays out. i tell you one thing, these guys are not messing around. we cut right to the chase with the questions, will you relocate? how many kids do you want to have? are you verbally intimate?
ouch. they have made me think a little. which i would guess is the upside to this whole deal. you might get a mate, but you will for sure be forced to look a little closer at what you want out of life and what is really important to you. so far, so good. no one has really "caught my eye" which would actually be impossible b/c no one has their pics up until after a certain level of communication is reached. so there is this weird paradox here. you are being as brutally honest and forthright about you innermost desires and wants and you are giving this information to someone you could not pick out of a crowd.
i keep thinking as i walk the skywalk, if any of the boys i pass could be one of the "matches".
cheese head, i know.
what else?? usual crap. work is slow/busy. i am either at mach-10 or twiddling my thumbs. i hope to find the happy medium someday.

get the whole house to myself all weekend. WOOT! naked housecleaning here i come.
actually, i have never cleaned the house naked... perhaps this is the weekend to try it.
can't hurt.

we shall see.

beach weekend is coming up soon. can't wait. few days of r&r, lots of drinking and music. should be a blast.
need to drop about 15lbs before i go out. i have 3 weeks. i think i can do it. i am starting my fast tonight/tomorrow...
i just feel like two ton tessie right now.

ok- i think that is all i have to report at this point.
more later.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Taking the plunge

Well, i have done it.
either this marks the end of civilization as i know it or some sort of ephiany.
Not sure which.

i have signed on to an online dating service.

oh- and i know it has been a while since i have posted. been busy doing nothing, but something.

yes. i was a little worried at first since it struck me a as a really conservative site, but after going through the questions, i changed my mind. i guess time will tell. i only signed up for a month, so we shall see. i just got tired of being the only single person around. being, 3rd, 5th, 7th wheel is really not so much fun. and it really has come to that. everyone i know is in a realtionship.

the irony is as i am doing this, i have come to the conclusion that married men are kinda slime buckets.
i say this due to the fact that i have watched firsthand as a number of married men just don't care about the fact that they are supposed to be loyal. maybe i am some sort of relic, but cheating to me is one of the biggest insults that a realtionship can garner.
i have heard the, "we have an open relationship" line tossed around. seems a little too easy to me.

possibly, i am overreacting. but i don't think so.

what else, my boss is leaving the company. as this is a MAJOR deal, i have begun searching for new jobs. the one cool potential... he has a history of taking people with him when he moves to new companies. he has interviews in Atlanta, dallas and outside of San francisco. i would go to any of those places. of course, it would be a few months before anything would come of it, but hey...
might be the kick i need to get out of DSM.

i am also going to start a new diet this week. i have to do something. i really don't like my body right now.
i will see how this goes. Thursday is go day.

aside from that, it is a rainy, dark overcast day here and my motivation is a little lacking.
ok -- a lot lacking. i am curious to see who i get matched up with so i keep checking the website.
um, hello freak....

ok, out.