So Friday comes along, supposed to be getting out of
work no later than 4, so i can run home, throw some
clothes in a bag, feed the munchkins and be on the
at 4:30 i am still sitting in my VP's office, with my
CIO on the phone working through a customer issue.
so, i got a late start.
get home, can't find any of the clothes that i want to
take with me, just start throwing crap into my bag,
put out some extra water and food and then, bam
landed right in the middle of des moines flee to the
suburbs...also known as rush hour, but i can't really
justify rush hour in des moines.
so i get to omaha at 7:30.
freshen up, still in work clothes, and head out to the
party. which was pretty good. saw some family, bunch
of old friends and had a few drinks.
then my cousin and his girlfriend (and by all accounts
soon to be fiancee) get into a heated battle. complete
with storming out, etc. keep in mind, this is their
party they are hosting and dan (my cousin) has earned
this whole thing. along with his brother who was
getting his MBA.
not really a mature thing to do in my opinion.
and that was right after i found out one of my other
friends was getting a divorce, which sent me down this
path of trying to figure out how on earth you are
supposed to have confidence in your relationships.
this of course, caused me to wonder if this is why i
have shied away from all this for so long.
of course, after a few drinks you really should not
try to analyze stuff like this.
so we closed the bar, i went home and failed to sleep
in past 9 am... like usual.
met up with the fam' for lunch, did a little (and i
mean LITTLE) shopping. and then was set to head home.
nope, got talked into staying and seeing Return of the
which rocked.
i loved it.
so got up early to get a start on the day, rolled back
into town about 11ish...
where i proceeded to do 6 loads of laundry, clean the
basement (aka the kitty bathroom) and get all my
presents wrapped.
tonight, i have 3 more loads to finish and my floors
to clean.
did i mention my mother will be here tomorrow night?
i always swore that i would NEVER do all the things
she did when her mother was coming for a visit.
yeah... at 12, you should never really say NEVER.
so my parents and my sisters are invading tomorrow some point. and then i am working until
lunch on the 24th and off to Cedar Falls. and i still
have nothing for my grandmother...what on earth do you
get a 87 year old woman who in true irish fashion,
wants nothing more than to die so she can be with my
grandfather? did i mention she has a bit of a martyr
complex? actually, she has elevated it to a legitimate
um, whose life is this?
certainly not mine, as i currently have no control
over it.
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