Thursday, October 02, 2003

fall has fallen

so it is least i have made it official. summer is over. i can't really say i am too broken up about that fact. big fan of fall. can't explain it, but always been a favorite of mine.
i am about to launch into one of my bigger birthday months. October is one of those times, bunch of valentines day babies. six people this month alone. i need to get cards etc, lined up and ready to go for everyone. and then all my weekends this month are taken. i don't know where my time has gone, but i am looking at the weekend before thanksgiving as the first one i have open.
um, hello...where did this burst of social activity come from? i can't explain it. just works out that way. not that i am complaining.

had a kinda weird thing go down this week. looking at some pictures from my holiday party last december. i was almost sad to see, so many friends and there are now 4 or 5 people that are not talking to each other. most of them have to do with one person. i felt like my family had broken apart, and in a sense it has. my friends are my just like my family and when things happen that keep them from all being together and getting along, it really sucks. i still have good realtionships with all these people, but it seems now, every time i make plans or want to get a group together i have to consider who is talking to who, etc.
bites ass.
i guess this is life. no one ever said it was perfect.

on a lighter note, i am totally, completely, unabashadly addicted to
thanks again to my good friend tom for creating hours of -non-working fun for myself and klas. we trade quotes via chat all day long. and yes, we are geeks.

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