Not sure what motivated this -- other than a burning desire to avoid work. Not for lack of work, please understand that - but sheer avoidance.
So, ask the screaming masses, what's new meghan?
"Well kids," she says in her best children's show host voice, "Let me tell you"
Whole lotta nothing.
Now, that may not be entirely true. Actually had a busy summer. Weird to be typing like summer is over -- when in reality, it pretty much is.
Apartment is good. Settled in without too many issues.
Did have major ephiany about 2 months back --
Was looking at two houses on my street, wanted to know what they were asking for them, looked, accidently did one of those "mortgage calculators" and the next thing I know,
It hit me. Like the proverbial ton of bricks.
There is no reason on this green earth why I should still be paying rent. I should own. It is silly to be holding on to something that is STUPID.
So -- not having made the wisest of credit choices in the past, got a second job at Barnes & Noble -- 2-3 shifts per week, and I am now attempting to pay stuff off as quickly as I can. Of course, "quickly" is a relative term. That and my lease doesn't run out til', oh -- April 06.
And getting out of it would cost more than it is worth. So using this time to pay stuff off. Finally starting to see a smidge of progress. We will see. Even went so far as to look around (virtually that is) at some houses and see what the mighty dollar can get you these days...
As part of the aforementioned "Get Control of Meghan's Life" plan, I also started a new workout/nutrition regime. SIX (as in one more than five) days of the week, the alarm goes off at roughly 5:15 AM and I go work out. 3 days of cardio, disguised as kickboxing and 3 days of resitance training. The diet went with it. Drinking pretty much went out the window. Not to mention on the first day of this new plan, they had us run a timed mile, see how many push-ups and sit-ups you could do in a minute... that sort of thing. The key is to have something to compare with at the end of the program --- which is 10 weeks.
Totally, insane.
You too can get crazy at Farrells.
So between those two things, my social/free time went south in a real hurry. REALLY SOUTH. But, it has been helping with the $$ thing. Grocery shopping and not as much booze does save a few pennies.
So - I am spending the fall getting skinny and hot -- just in time for, Thanksgiving? Well, the timing might be sucky, but at least I am doing something.
Country is still a wreck. Our president continues to be an idiot -- natural disaster or instigated war -- NO CLUE.
Switching gears again -
Boy scene remains bleak as ever.
The fact that I am ok with this was re-enforced about a month ago when Heather and Sebastian broke up. She is now down in Florida trying to figure out what she is going to do with her life.
Men, boys, testosterone -- whatever you call them, morons.
I should have many, many more things to tell you, but I am dragging at this point. Really would love to just go home, but I have to work tonight -- oh joy.