Monday, January 17, 2005
Local Inspiration
Point Blank Editorial
Some of the stuff that is called out in this thing makes me laugh -- but with a bitter, caustic laugh. I mean really, he is right. I rather enjoyed the whole thing. But while reading it, felt there was a key topic missing from the list. So I have added one more that drives me freakin' batty.
Wearing Your Cause On Your Car. We have all seen them. The new metallic “ribbons” that have become as commonplace as the “My Kid is an Honor Roll Student at …” bumper stickers. Telling us at every stop sign and intersection that the driver “Supports Our Troops” or “United We Stand”. Of course all of these are decorated with the appropriate colors of the American Flag and the intertwined yellow ribbon.
I have to wonder, does the cause ribbon really mean anything any more? Everyone has one. Lest we forget the origins of the Red Ribbon – to support AIDS awareness. How many people are aware that AIDS is still pandemic in the world? Or how the yellow ribbon came to symbolize support for our troops? The song these ribbons were based on was about a convict returning from jail.
But I suppose in this day and age of conservative patriotism, I am viewed with a certain disdain for my lack of metallic decoration on my car.
Then again, even the scourge of the metallic ribbon has reached an all time low. I have now seen several in black and gold with “Iowa” on them. Funny, having just watched Iowa win their bowl game and finish in grand style, I was unaware that the university had fallen to the same depths of those battling fatal illnesses or young men and women fighting a war no one seems to really understand, except for a few people at 1600 Pennsylvania.
Gosh. I feel better.
My alternate theory is that in order to be a good red-stater you are obligated to have one on your car. It is just a matter of time before I am either ticketed for not having one or kicked out of the state. Hm. Is Canada still accepting American ex-pats??
Friday, January 14, 2005
Mission Accomplished???
actually, they pissed me off.
This is the one that gets me. After all the posturing, PR work and tons of media clips about how WMD's were a "immediate threat" and the fear-mongering of our government to convince us that we were mere minutes away from biological disaster, the search for anything ended quietly and with a resounding thud -- there was nothing there to start with.
Where was the landing on the aircraft carrier to announce this one?
I think this might be my favorite, "sometimes words have consequences" um, hello? of COURSE they have consequences, and they are even higher when you are the president of the united states of america. i mean come on. what really gets me -- is 3 months after the election and all the posturing that this man did for months on end about how he had no regrets about his actions (or his words for that matter) he comes out and finally says --
**slow, texas drawl**
yep, i mighta made a mistake or two.
Gosh you think? But he held the line long enough to get elected before admitting to any wrongdoing or lack of judgment.
And the machine is in full spin again. Already before the "election" in Iraq, we are now being told that the numbers won't mean much -- and we should not put that much emphasis on them. After being told for months at a time that democracy is the saving grace of the people in Iraq -- (don't forget: 10 MILLION people voted in Afghanistan -- including women, see democracy works -- now pass the hookah). And now the administration is faced with a total 180 degree flip.
No it is not the election results, it is what we will do AFTER the election. Really? We? after the election? so more of our men and women can face daily danger in a war that the administration has finally had to admit had no BASIS IN FACT???
I have started reading the news every day with just this total numbness -- a complete resignation that the next four years are going to be a continuing downward spiral into more deception, aggressive posturing & lunacy.
Dumbfounding really. How this man managed to get elected just boggles the brain.
At least mine.
And I now live in a RED state.
Go figure.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Humblest Apologies
**Timidly Peeks Head from Around Corner**
Anyone there??
Yeah - that is what I thought.
I wish that I could give you all a good reason for being gone this long. And frankly, nothing as dramatic as:
"taking a sabbatical to work on a kibbutz in Israel"
"donating time to assist in the massive natural disasters"
"temporarily moved to canada after the election to get over it."
Although in all fairness, each of those would have been good.
Nope, I have been wandering in the real world through the muck and mire of work, family crisis, travel & the holidays.
Surprised myself by making it thus far least noticeably unscathed.
So here is a high level break down (by month for your convenience) of things that have been going on:
Meghan continues to talk to David (aka St. Louis) quite a bit. Gets to know each other quite well.
Mom decides on treatment for cancer that includes experimental program that will avoid -- at least for right now -- any chemo, radiation etc.
Tons O' Birthdays this month. Lots of little get togethers to attend to wish everyone well.
Meghan gets the job of telling grandma about mom's cancer. dreads visit, and she takes it like a champ. People totally underestimate you (myself included) when you are 88 years old.
Spend a few days in total shock that a un-popular president, still fighting a war that fewer and fewer people are supporting manages to win an election because people were more afraid of two men being able to legally marry than any concern for the state of their country, the safety of its people and the perception of the US worldwide.
Nate and Martine get married on St. Lucia -- I did not go to the wedding. Tropical paradise is NOT kind to single people.
Patrick gets a surprise 10 day R&R pass to come home. Spend a few days back home hanging out with him and getting the scoop about life in Iraq. Turns out -- as most of you would guess, -- you really don't WANT to know about the day to day life in Iraq. Or hear your little brother discuss the number of confirmed kills he has had. Or hear about the day he got his Purple Heart. Just gets a little , really A LOT, disturbing.
Have the first actual date with the boy from Saint Louis. Goes very well -- he came to DSM for the record.
Thanksgiving with the family. Ate too much, drank too much and saw just enough of the aforementioned family to get me through the next 6 months or so.
Go to Saint Louis for a visit.
Franklin comes back to DSM for a visit. Tells us all he is engaged -- Beth is with him. Good times.
Holiday parties ensue.
Christmas shopping -- need I say more.
Julie & Scott bought a condo in DC.
Heather moved to Chicago officially.
David comes up here for a brief visit just before Christmas.
Spend Christmas with 20 of my family members on my mom's side. Ate too much, drank too much and saw enough of them to get me through the next 12 months. Or so it would seem.
Go to Saint Louis for New Years.
And that should bring us somewhat up to speed.
Work is totally insane. I am going to California in two weeks for a little wine vacation. I was totally excited about it, as David was going to be coming with. But due to work schedules being unbendable, he will not be going with. So, I will be -- per the usual -- the like 13th wheel for this whole she-bang. I mean, it will still be a blast. But we had rooms at a B&B in Napa -- that i am going to feel slightly foolish in with just myself. Not to mention that my budget has now just doubled. Woot.
Which I love. For the record.
I am sure there are other things. But that should give you the highlights.
I should return to work. MUCH to do. Although, motivation is a little lacking. I have been doing some work at home every night and get more done in an hour there -- than like 4 hours here.