Wednesday, June 23, 2004

And things were going so well....

Ok, ok.
I know that it has been a little while since I have put anything out. i suck.
Just had the last days at the old job, leaving for the beach and then the new job. been kinda busy.

Vacation was amazing. Got more sun than i should have, spent WAY more money than i should have and drank more than i should have.
Those things combined = one hell of a good time at the beach.
Julie had fun. We returned her in one piece to scott, a little worse for the wear but with no major damage.

And then,new job. Dove in head first, through the spiraling death circle and through the flames of the lion tamer.
Holy crap there is a ton of work here to do.

Things were going so well....

Then, the following happens:
1. roommate tells me he is moving out, need to find replacement
2. boy on e-harmony that i have been totally digging, has started dating someone in the town he lives in.

Crap and crap.
Kinda surprised about jared. i knew that randy was looking for someplace, but i did not expect him to move out so soon. go figure. so now, re-commencing the roommate search.
& gack.

seriously bummed about the guy. i mean in all fairness, you have to jump when opportunity presents itself. and he does live in st. louis, but man.
i can't even meet people online successfully?
jesus, i give up.

and i am pms'y.
this does not make for a good day.
and all my friends are all smarmy and happy-freakin-couples. i can't get away from all the snarky crap.

ms smith, party of one?
yes, your table is ready.

ok - maybe being a smidge dramatic, but not by much.

have ga-zillion tons of work to do, must get back to it.

Friday, June 04, 2004

lame duck

so. give the notice. and all the sudden, no one seems to need me for anything.
kinda nice, but kinda a pain. why am i showing up? to surf? twiddle my thumbs? make everyone feel better??

heading out to the beach in a week. can't wait for that. seriously.
need some R&R that is not here. i need to be much further than a half day drive from somewhere. and, i shall accomplish that.
and the birthday is right around the corner.
gonna be 29.
excuse me? 29? me?

going to be pouring wine at a wine tasting tonight. should be fun. lots of people and i get to drink the whole time.
it will be a chance to maybe meet some new people and go from there.
should be fun either way.
so now my challenge is to find ways to keep myself occupied and at least ostensibily looking like i am doing something.
will keep you posted.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

You must be THIS high to ride...

And the rollercoaster takes another death defying plunge down the spiral corkscrew of terror.

I have taken a new job.
At my old company.

Gave my notice to the old shop yesterday. it actually went pretty well. there is some stuff brewing here that has me less than excitited. i think that my exit is about as well timed as it could be.
of course now, i have no, zero, nada, zilch, desire to be here. just kinda putzing around and getting stuff organized and cleaning out the desk.

what else? Still working the online thing. It is harder than i thought. i don't answer every day, so i feel like some of this is becoming really drawn out. patience, as i have indicated in the past is not one of my finer points. but getting to know a few of them a little better. although i am little freaked out about meeting anyone. we shall see.
getting pumped for the beach. can't wait to spend a few days in the surf. i will be blinding everyone with my whiteness, but, will have a good time.
just need to go get my plane ticket.. will do that today. have to go to the airport to use my voucher. can't do it online. which is annoying. let me tell you.

heather and sebastian had a great time in FL. apparently they have taken their relationship to the "next level". They are in love.... aahhh, sigh, hearts flutter.
no, really. good for them. just me being a little bitter.
all good.

i am off to avoid work and ponder the question i have been asked by one of my "matches"... what is the most interesting thing about yourself? hard one.let me tell you.