so jared moved in over the last week.
house is somewhere between organized and complete chaos.
we are getting there. one room at a time.
kinda odd getting used to someone else around the house again, but i think overall this is a good fit.
will keep everyone posted on how the new "domesticity" is going.
what else?
went to omaha for a quick overnight vist. old boss was turning 40. probably would not have gone, but he married one of my old friends and she was throwing the party. good time. very surreal. saw a bunch of people i have not seen in like 6-7 years. and we all used to work in the restaurant together. so basically, we were a bunch of stupid 22/23 year olds, drinking till all hours of the evening and generally living some sort of soap opera lifestyle. so now, we have grown up a little. At least ostensibly, and have "adult" jobs. it was kinda strange to catch up with these people who used to sling burgers and beer and now are in a position much like mine and doing good things.
i dunno. maybe i was overreacting, but it was good anyway.
i should get used to it. i am going to my sorority 10 year anniversary in two weeks.
yes --- i said sorority. it seems odd. most people who meet me are a little taken aback by the revelation. but, it was a good thing. it was never my whole life, merely a part of it. but i would imagine it will be a similar type deal to the past weekend.
my brother called my parents this weekend. glad to hear he is doing well. at least as well as one can when you are involved in a war.
it has gotten to the point that every time i read/hear the news, my stomach drops. there is always a report of a military death. and you never know until you read where and what branch. with the increasing violence going on, i am not sure what will happen.
plus, the US is now banning certain publications and radio stations. um, did we displace one dictator so we could assume the mantel ourselves? i have this horrible feeling that things are going to continue to deteriorate. and i read today that the joint chiefs are going to ask for more troops to be sent over. all of this taking place WELL after our esteemed president declared the "major combat" over.
of course, now we are so tied into the area that even when bush is out of the office, we will be forced to maintain a presence there. vicious circle in which too many people are dying.